A blog catering for those of us who would love to own and run a Jaguar SS 100 but must settle for something a little less costly - a Carisma Century for example.....
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Steadman TS 100
This Steadman tS 100 has been for sale all over the place. EBay, Total Headturners, I want that one etc. I don't know if it ever actually sold. Prices have differed somewhat. They were, I believe, handmade in the 70's in Hayle in Cornwall and were pretty expensive. They're Jag powered. According to the Suffolk SS newsletter of 1998, it used XJ6 front and rear subframes and was six inches wider than the original. The wheelbase was too long and the car suffered from very low ground clearance. It cost £36000 almost 20 years ago. I think it could, perhaps, have benefitted looks wise from larger diameter and slightly skinnier wheels. It may have cured the ground clearance problem but probably would have compromised the handling. It's very nice just the same and I wouldn't say no to one!
The site is designed with wannabe SS 100 owners in mind. Contributions are welcome from owners and past owners of SS 100 replicas, kitcars, similar cars or those with just a passing interest. I'm particularly interested in hearing from people in the US where these vehicles are much more plentiful as spare parts are almost impossible to obtain for my Carisma in the UK. Heaven forbid that I should have a bump. Thankfully the mechanical parts on the Carisma Century are from the trusty Ford Cortina and although not as plentiful as they were most parts can still be obtained.
Please check out www.steadmancars.webs.com