Tuesday 4 May 2010

First run 2010

Well Carrie's had her first run out of the year and as usual it was eventful.

First off I had trouble filling the tank. Its always been a bit tricky but didn't help that I had taken the tank out to fit a new sender (to go with my new instruments). Before you start writing me off as a total plonker - yes - I had put the tank back. The problem was that the breather pipe for some reason was connected to a chassis bolt which stopped it flapping round but also stopped it breathing. It took me about 10 minutes to get the fuel in much to the amusement of the girl on the till. There was probably as much fuel on my shoes as in the tank!

I took her for a little blast out to Carlisle Airport where Hethersgill Vintage Society were holding their annual rally. I met up with a friend who has a Burlington Beretta (for sale for £3k if anyone's interested - contact me - ocheye@mac.com) and we chewed the cud for an hour or so and as it was getting a bit nippy I drove home before the queues started.

Bank Holiday Monday saw me take my good lady out for a treat in Carrie - the weather was glorious, hood down (of course) and no flying jackets. We went to a local horticultural show and as the morning drew on it got colder and darker. Suffice it to say that we drove home in a massive hailstorm which pleased the wife no end! Anyone who knows me is aware that I am follically challenged and hail on a bald head at speed is bloody painful.

Still a lot of jobs to do, I want to resite the fuel filler, finish the trim, find out why the exhaust sometimes knocks on the chassis, fit a new spray bar, oil change for 20/50 mineral (apparently anything else in a pinto is asking for trouble as it gets too thin at working temperatures) as the pressure drops significantly when hot. It's fine on start up so I assume the pump is OK though I also need to check the pickup pipe for blockages. Oh and I need to overhaul a pair of Lucas wind horns I have bought for her, and I need to find a way to mount my spare on the boot and so on

Then there is just a small matter of a respray. Can't decide whether to have a go myself or pay a king's ransom for someone else.

Still she is running nicely and to paraphrase Frank Spencer "Every day in every way she's getting better and better"


1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you are mobile again Andy. I took the "Lady in Red" to my studio in Caersws and gave her a good wash and polish so she is now as good as new again after a winter stuck in the garage. I still want to get a hinged windscreen fitted and then put the Brookland screens on which I have owned for about six months. With a bit of luck we migth get some decent weather shortly, so we can get the benefit of the ride. Sorry to hear about the hail, and I bet the missus was not impressed, tell her I apologise on behalf of all the owners. Cheers John.
