The idea for this blog came about because I discovered so many different Jaguar SS 100 'replicas' whilst searching for information on my own Carisma Century bought last year.
I would love to own a genuine Jaguar SS 100 but serious wealth seems to have eluded me and a 'replica' or something with similar looks is all I am likely to achieve. In fact, most 'replicas' started out as kits and even they were beyond my means back in the 80's and 90's when most of them were being made. Most of the companies making those kits are no longer with us or are not making them any more.
Suffolk Sportscars are one of the few survivors and are very much at the top end of the market. They have a superb product which faithfully reproduces a facsimile (at least appearancewise) of the original. Sadly they come with a hefty price tag that makes them almost as unlikely a choice for me as an original!
So a Carisma Century it was, with a 2.0 Ford Pinto engine and Cortina Mark V mechanicals. A very well used (but perhaps not so well cared-for) example came my way via EBay and is giving me huge amounts of pleasure.
From the old boy who ran an 'identical' one just after petrol rationing, to white van man "nice motor pal", to waves from children and even to the little boy in our street who after several admiring comments asked if I was perhaps a little mad (amazing perspicacity) it has been a pure pleasure to own.
Yes, I know it's not practical, I know it needs a lot of work, it's even got a dreaded 'Q" plate but I don't care. The fun element outweighs all the downsides and I doubt whether I would have had any more 'fun' with the genuine article. I certainly wouldn't have told the two little boys posing for their mum next to the car to "hop in and pretend to be driving if it had been an original or even a Suffolk.
Based as I am in Cumbria (UK) I don't run into fellow owners everyday but would love to hear from any.