Saturday, 28 November 2009
Yorkshire Carisma Century
I must count my blessings though as a Cumbrian that has not been affected by the dreadful floods. I used to have a 1935 Wolseley Nine that was sold to a museum on the banks of the river Derwent in Cockermouth. I do hope it wasn't damaged!
Carisma Century,
Jaguar SS100,
SS Replica,
Yorksrhire kitca
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
2 more 'Cream Cracker' SS 100 replicas for sale in US
Cream with brown wings and a 4 cylinder Ford engine in Coconut Creek, Florida. Made by Antique and Collectibles (They may have supplied the original moulds and chassis for the Carisma Century though I could well be be wrong - someone please put me out of my misery and give me the correct provenance for the Carisma!!)
Cream with brown wings again but this time with a rear mounted newly rebuilt VW engine in Cleveland, Ohio. It is advertised as needing tlc and it certainly has a patina about it.
This seems to be the most popular colour scheme by far for these replicas in the States. I'm not aware of any original SS100's having two tone paintwork although you could order them in the colour of your choice. Red seems to be the most popular choice in the UK.
jaguar replica,
Jaguar SS100,
ss100 replica,
VW kitcar
Monday, 23 November 2009
Duke replica in Florida
Nice red Classic Roadsters 'Duke' for sale in Florida. Was 'sold' for $7200 recently but buyer failed to complete. Seems pretty good value to me at that with a Ford 2.3 ohc engine - not VW! Can be viewed on
We never see Dukes for sale on this side of the pond (UK) more's the pity!
Classic Roadsters,
duke ss100 replica,
jaguar replica
Thursday, 19 November 2009
'Duke' SS100 Replica on US EBay
I can't seem to grab a picture to upload but here is the link I like the heavy duty suicide doors and the running board lines are really nice. I'll bet it sounds amazing
duke ss100 replica,
Ebay motors,,
Jaguar SS100,
ss100 replica
The real deal?
It's about as near as you can get to a genuine SS100 without actually being one. It's a rebodied SS Saloon and unfortunately I didn't win the lottery last night. Check it out:
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Lady in red Update
I went out last Sunday for a ride between showers, and as usual had that euphoric feeling you must also get when flying an open aeroplane. The Lady is more than willing to reach all speed limits and has more power now since I had the head skimmed and new gaskets fitted. Being a little too large (OK a lot larger) for the seats I cannot get into the car with the wet weather gear on so I have to take my chances of getting wet and a lot colder, than I like.
I have had a bee in my bonnet for a while about fitting a fold down windscreen and fitting Brookland shields just as the original SS100, but so far I have got Morgan and MG fold down hinges but have not had the heart to remove the original windscreen as I feel that the Carisma Century car is as much a unique vehicle as the original. I will be fitting two horns in front under the headlights just for me, but that is another kettle of fish. Andy, thanks for the dedication to setting up this site and keeping up the interesting feedback. Lets hope we hear from other owners regadless of what type of replica or original they have. I would also like to hear from previous oowners and to hear what they experienced during their caretakership of such a lovely machine. Cheers for now John
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Carisma Century Q97 KKE

Monday, 16 November 2009
Carisma Club at Sandown Park?
Here are some more shots from 1995 at Sandown Park? although Jack Stancombe seemed to remember them being taken at at Caterham (many thanks for the photos Jack )
Tony Ison's Cardinal red car sits next to the mystery car which I think became "custard and cream". I'm pretty sure this one belonged to Ted Legg who may well be the gentleman sat on the running board.

The red car Q145 GEA is a 1.6 engined one that belonged to a Alan Shaw of Walsall (and may still) while the green car Q97 KKE (yes it is green!) belonged to Martin Miller at that time (he actually built it) and was recently bought by Neil Gowers of Charing Ashford. It looks just as beautiful today.

The last three are (r-l) John Williams' Lady in Red (then owned by Chris Pinchbeck). The middle car later became TJI 6358 and was the prototype. The black car with white seats is (I think) FKY 583V which belonged to Roger Gleadhall who used to edit the Carisma magazine (I've never seen a copy - help anyone!)
Thursday, 12 November 2009
New dash for Carisma - Part Three
It's been pretty traumatic and whilst the job is not perfect it is a major improvement over the earlier efforts. For those attempting a similar job, here are a few words of caution.
1. Cutting the holes is tricky as those adjustable hole cutters are not as accurate as you might expect and if you have a blade break, as I did, you can ruin the whole thing.
2. With hindsight I would have worked with some marine ply and used a real veneer on top, not a walnut finished blank.
3. As it turned out I had to use a veneer. I chose a burr walnut and used evo stik resin w glue. I think I was a touch over generous as the glue bled through parts of the veneer. With hindsight I think I would have chosen roll-on self adhesive double-sided film. This would have made the job simpler but would probably have created other issues, who knows?
4. I chose to use International yacht varnish and a good quality varnish brush but still had bristle problems so I tried paint pads but without great success.

After about 20 attempts I bought a set of 3 foam brushes (about £1.50) on recommendation from my local paint trade centre (Manders) and immediately the work was transformed.
5. I also invested in a pack of 'tacky rags' and it is amazing how much muck they pick up from the surface.
I have now discovered that the holes for my push buttons (starter and screen wash) are about 1mm too wide for the new stainless buttons I had bought from ebay to replacemy originals which seemed a little dull. There is hardly any extra overhang on the body to locate on the front surface of the dash so I am going to have to either find oversize chrome washers or fit nuts front and back. Either way I will need to rout the back a little as there is precious little thread to spare. Hey ho!
Whilst I have offered it up in the cockpit, I haven't fitted it. Its predecessor was screwed on which looked awful so I should bond it in place with glass fibre strips as suggested in the build manual. I am tempted to use 'hard as nails' double-sided tape to fix it in place then use the glass fibre strips as a belt and braces solution.
Any thoughts?
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Carisma Centuries at Stoneleigh

In the foreground of the second picture you can see 'Lady Anne' (currently on offer for a very modest £7250 at Car and Classic UK - see earlier post). The red car with either black or blue wings could be the mystery car (see earlier post re. Sandown) that may have belonged to Ted Legg
(I'm sure he would have been there and probably brought the banner!). If anyone is able to help unravel these conundrums I would love to hear from you on
Carisma Century,
Carisma Club,
Jaguar SS100,
SS kit car,
SS Replica
Friday, 6 November 2009
SS100 Replica on EBay!
I'm always excited when I see an ad like this for an SS100 replica for sale in the UK but don't build your hopes up. It is not quite as it seems although it does have a Jag engine (unlike most SS100 replicas).
If you happen to live in Canada this "Antiques and Collectible Autos of Buffalo" kit may be of more interest despite its VW engine
For those of you surfing the web to find the car of your dreams, it may be of interest to note that a search on ebay for 'SS100' can yield a different set of results to a search for 'SS 100'
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Carisma prototype
CFD994T later came into the ownership of Michael English who has sent me a number of pictures and a huge amount of fascinating background information and advice.
use of custom made stainless flat-head socket bolts for mounting the splined hubs which previously used nuts causing the wheels to bind.
I love the rear wheel mounting arrangement and Michael's clever use of a brass candle stick to mount the rear fog light centrally on the wheel. I also love the period steering wheel.
Michael has a great eye for attention to detail in particular his
Registration was changed to TJI 6358 and she eventually went to Belgium via Total Head Turners who I believe resprayed her silver. I'd love to know where she is now
Carisma Century,
Jaguar SS100,
SS kit car,
total head turners
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